Monday, February 21, 2011

That is Philly in the Cedar Rapids Trailer

Here's the screen grab from the 25th second of the Cedar Rapid's Trailer on IMDB, and that is definitely some old* b-roll of Philadelphia from somewhere over the Art Museum being passed off as Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Here's the actual Cedar Rapids skyline for comparison:
Not quite the same.

*Old, because the Comcast Center is conspicuously missing form the shot meaning two things:
1. The footage is definitely pre-2008 when the Comcast Center was completed, but maybe even older since there's no tower visibly under construction either.
2. The filmmakers saved a buck or two on some outdated, canned footage of a city skyline, still the choice is mystifying for lack of any real good reason to use it. The shot doesn't contribute to the general theme, which I suspect is central to some of the comedic set up of the film, of Cedar Rapids as a bit of a backwater.


  1. This is fun stuff. Could you give me a call today for a story I'm working on for Metro newspaper? Thanks Brian McCrone 215-717-2670

  2. Nate, please contact me at We are looking for writers of your caliber.

  3. Nate, did you check out the Metro today?

  4. Hey Brian,

    The cover story?!?! I'm mailing the clips to my mother!

  5. For reference:
